Happy New Year Banner Graphic

Dear Parents,

The new year is looking bright and exciting! We will begin our study of space this month! Also, reports on your child’s progress will come out at the beginning of February.

After reports come out, we will be asking for your re-enrollment commitment. Please know that we have a very long waitlist this year, and will be looking to fill vacant spaces by the end of February. You will be given a time frame in which to return your re-enrollment forms and registration payment. Given the long waiting list, please know that we will adhere to our deadlines. If you wish for an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact us with your request for an appointment via this email address.

This Wednesday, January 9th is our first yoga class of the year. Please ensure that your child your appropriately.

Friday, January 18th we will be taking a bus to the Isabelle Turner Library. Because it is a small space, we will not be taking parent volunteers. Please ensure that your child arrives at school by 9 am so that we can have a quick snack before boarding the bus!

Children are coming to school with candy and toys in their backpacks and coat pockets. Please ensure that the children do not bring such items to school. Also, we strongly suggest that jewelry or watches remain at home. Quite often, such items become a distraction and detract from our work time.

We have been doing a lot of craft and other various projects that have required a lot of glue! Could you please send in two of the UHU glue sticks by the end of the month?

You may notice that our playground gate is rather stiff and no longer closes on its own. Please ensure that you always close and latch it.

Scholastic order forms have been placed in the family folders. If you wish to place an online order, please do so by January 18th.

And a final reminder! Please check your child’s spare clothing to ensure it still fits! All of the children are looking a bit taller since we last saw them!

Kind Regards,

BMS Staff